QSTARS (Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice & Referral Service)

QSTARS (Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice & Referral Service)

We are proud to provide this service in partnership with Tenants Queensland who is the funded organisation to provide the statewide service to residential tenants across Queensland. This funding is provided by the Queensland Government.

All initial calls are taken by the QSTARS Hub which assists with information and advice in the first instance. The Hub can be contacted on 1300 744 263.

QSTARS Partner logo landscape (fullsize)

Calls of a complex nature that originate from the Moreton Bay Region are then referred to Enhance Care for more in depth advice and support to enable tenants to fully understand their rights and responsibilities.

Our very experienced and skilled Advice Workers can where appropriate advocate for tenants with lessors or real estate agents, however this is decided on a needs basis and where possible we look to empower tenants to speak up and communicate with lessors or agents if possible.

Our Advice Workers can also assist tenants to respond to QCAT (Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal) for matters relating to residential tenancy matters. We can also assist tenants who wish to apply to QCAT for a decision relating to a tenancy issue.

We are not a legal service and only provide advice to you in relation to legislation relating to residential tenancies. For other legal matters you should contact a community legal service or solicitor or legal professional.

Please note we do not represent tenants at QCAT hearings